• Heron's Meadow Farm (map)
  • 1596 Daisy Road
  • Woodbine, MD, 21797
  • United States

Yoga Instructor - Molly Malarkey

Let's feel the grass under our toes and allow the support of Mama Earth to ground us. Allow yourself to feel the summer breeze on your skin as you stretch your way in and out of a few hip openers and spinal twists. As you work your way down on to your back and gaze up at the stars, take a moment to enjoy your assisted inversion. We will then cue the stars to twinkle and the fireflies to dance around you. Allow yourself to be sweetly tucked into your savasana and absorb the sweetness of some acoustic melodies. 

This space we created was made for us. So we will stop to embrace the stillness and glorious sunset before we transition From Mat to Table. 

I am hopeful. I belong. I inspire. 

Back in the fields, our gardens have been literally screaming, “pick me! No, pick meee!” So we picked them all! A menu planned around the mid-summer harvest. Be prepared to feed those gorgeous bodies with colorful, locally grown veggies and herbs. Lettuce graze over a roasted kale salad, layered with goat cheese, pine nuts, pomegranate seeds, topped with a balsamic drizzle. Speaking of drizzle, wipe that drool, because our next course will be an orecchiette pasta with zucchini zoodles. We will layer this dish with bountiful veggies of the season and garnish it with herbs that grew a few feet from your yoga mat. At your discretion, feel free to spice it up with some crushed red peppers or melt some fresh grated parmesan and Romano cheese on top! We will end the evening under the stars, likely deeply connecting to the divine, while we devour homemade ice cream sandwiches with chakra sprinkles, of course. 

Namaste Mother Nature. We see your light. 

Our Tea Pairing: One iced and one hot! Hot...like you! And picked a stones-throw away from your yoga mat. (Why should we feed our bodies with anything more remote?!)

Recommended BYOB Pairing: A light summer beer or a refreshing pinot noir. 

Limited Tickets Available Here


Notes: Check-in, tea and mingle will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of this event time.

If you are interesting in securing tickets for more than one experience, consider using a promo code at checkout! (Terms & Conditions: Promo codes are for individual yogis who wish to attend more than one experience during our summer series. They are not for group ticket purchases, or for individuals who wish to purchase multiple tickets to a single event.)

 We hope to see you again, and again! Namaste LOVES!

TWOTIMES - to save $10 on 2 tickets

THREETIMES - to save $15 on 3 tickets

FOURTIMES - to save $20 on 4 tickets

FOURTIMES - to save $20 on 4 tickets